National Eating Disorder Screening
National Eating Disorder Screening In the United States, as many as 20 million women and 10 million men are struggling with eating disorders, which have the highest mortality rates of any mental illness95 percent of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.The earlier people can find…
New Research a Game Changer for Understanding Binge Eating by Dr. Cynthia Bulik
New Research a Game Changer for Understanding Binge Eatingby Dr. Cynthia Bulik What better way to stop decades of misattribution of binge eating to willpower, sloth, or gluttony than actually identifying precise cellular connections in the brain that cause a mouse to eat, whether hungry or not! That is exactly…
Our Mission
COPE's Vision Statement: To eliminate eating disorders, promote widespread positive body image, and raise public awareness of how to influence both.
Our focus is to provide up-to-date learning resources via outreach, media attention, and community events; we strive to educate our local community in order to facilitate greater understanding and more effective approaches to treating eating disorders and improving body image.
Scholarships for treatment are available for our local community members (Volusia and Flagler counties).
For information and applications for scholarship opportunities:
Contact: Kathryn Fraser, Ph.D. at
Our focus is to provide up-to-date learning resources via outreach, media attention, and community events; we strive to educate our local community in order to facilitate greater understanding and more effective approaches to treating eating disorders and improving body image.
Scholarships for treatment are available for our local community members (Volusia and Flagler counties).
For information and applications for scholarship opportunities:
Contact: Kathryn Fraser, Ph.D. at