Our Theme: “I Had No Idea”

This year’s NEDAwareness Week theme is “I Had No Idea” to raise awareness towards the significant impact eating disorders have on individuals, families, and communities across the nation. The more people who learn about these life-threatening illnesses, the more lives we can save. Last year, 100% of U.S. states hosted NEDAwareness Week events and activities. Additionally, 51 international countries participated in raising awareness. This year we strive to surpass these numbers, and have everyone get in the know and do just one thing to raise awareness!

Our Mission

The aim of NEDAwareness Week is to ultimately increase outreach and awareness of eating disorders and body image issues, while reducing the stigma surrounding eating disorders and improving access to treatment resources. Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening illnesses – not choices – and it’s important to recognize the pressures, attitudes and behaviors that shape the disorder.

What is NEDAwareness Week?

NEDAwareness Week is a collective effort of volunteers, including eating disorder professionals, health care providers, students, educators, social workers, organizations and individuals committed to raising awareness of eating disorders.  The impact of increased outreach efforts leads to a greater chance of people seeking out resources and help for an eating disorder, which ultimately saves lives.

What are the Key Messages of NEDAwareness Week?

This year the National Eating Disorders Association is stressing the need to address eating disorder misconceptions – as many individuals, families, and communities are not aware of the often devastating mental and physical consequences – and highlights available resources for treatment and support. We urge you to talk about the pressures, attitudes and behaviors that shape these disorders with your family, friends, colleagues and community by doing just one thing during NEDAwareness Week. Learn more about the key messages for 2014 NEDAwareness Week and share with others so they can get in the know!

How NEDAwareness Week Works

NEDA asks everyone to do just one thing to help raise awareness and provide accurate information about eating disorders. NEDAwareness Week participants can choose from a huge range of ways to get involved: Distribute info pamphlets and put up posters, register as a Volunteer Speaker or host a Volunteer Speaker, post information on Facebook, or plan interactive and educational events like a community meeting, panel discussion, Barbie event, movie screening, art exhibit and more.

As a NEDAwareness Week participant you can be involved in any way that works with your schedule, resources, community, and interests.  These events and activities are vital to attracting public media attention – on local, national and international levels.





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